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Men's Gold Necklace with Lord's Prayer with 24 inch chain

Men's Gold Necklace with Lord's Prayer with 24 inch chain

Regular price $30.00 CAD
Regular price $44.00 CAD Sale price $30.00 CAD
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Men's Gold Necklace with Lord's Prayer with 24 inch chain

The perfect gift for the man in your life!  Also, a great first Communion gift for your son or grandson.  Gold-plated Necklace featuring the Lord's Prayer.  Sturdy metal chain included.  Beautiful shiny Gold finish on the cross and chain.

"And no less doth Salomon commend the same holy exercise unto us in his
Proverbs: where he exhorteth us, to carry the law of God always as it
were a chain of gold about our necks, and at night to go to bed with
it, and in the morning so soon as we awake, to begin immediately to
exercise ourselves in the same.3 Blessed is that man, that is so occu-
pied. And so doth Ecclesiasticus term him, when he saith: Blessed is
the man, that dwelleth in the house of wisdom, and meditateth upon the
law and the commandments of God, and exerciseth himself in justice, and
reasoneth of holy things by his understanding. Blessed is he that consid-
ereth her ways in his heart, and understandeth her secrets. He shall look in
at her windows, and hearken at her doors. He shall abide beside her house,
and fasten a stake in her walls. He shall pitch his tent beside her."


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